About me
Traci Ausby currently serves as the Vice President of the Council of Black Administrators. She has been a member of the Executive Board for the past 6 years. Traci is an equity-driven educator who believes passionately in the power of education to transform students’ lives. She currently serves as the Interim Regional Administrative Coordinator Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) Region East.
Before joining joining the BSAP Team, she served as a Micro-Credentialing Coordinator within the Human Resources Division supporting team with creating and implementing their year long professional development opportunities. Traci was also a Kindergarten Readiness Specialist with the Division of Instruction, where she coordinated supports for teachers in TK-1st grade geared toward the findings of the Early Development Instrument (EDI). She also designed and delivered professional learning along with a team of instructional coaches and psychiatric social workers to supported the development of our youngest learners. Her professional development expertise extends beyond Kindergarten Readiness, and she has led initiatives in various disciplines to build the capacity of adults who interact with students. Audiences have included new and experienced teachers and administrators, paraprofessionals, and classified staff in both in-person and virtual settings.
Her work as an Interim Regional Administrative Coordinator with BSAP was preceded by her work as a Multi-Tiered System of Support Coach, College and Career Counselor, and 10 years as a classroom teacher. She began her teaching career in Alabama where you was born and raised and attributes her preparation for taking on various roles within Los Angeles Unified School District to her Alma Mater and HBCU Alabama State University.